Thursday, September 11, 2008

What was I thinking?

So, Tuesday night went NOTHING like I had planned. Shortly after I had posted, Noah was up and BURNING UP! He had a fever of 102.0...poor guy. We ended up being up most of the night trying to get him to rest and his fever to break. Wednesday morning, Hylke stayed home with Noah so that I could attend our first day of Bible Study (Thanks, Love!) When I got home, Noah was in the middle of a 3 hour nap. The rest of yesterday went fairly well. His fever never completely broke, but did go down. By the evening it was lingering around 100. I was very optomistic about last night. I gave him some motrin and he was out. Right about 1:20 he was up...and burning hot! It had been just over 6 hours since his last dose of motrin, so I gave him some more and rocked him. His fever was back up to over 102, so we stripped him down to his diaper and just loved on him...praying that his fever would break and that he'd get some rest; he was miserable. He slept a couple more hours last night and then was up again early this morning. His fever was still high. We took him to the Dr. late morning today, ear infection. :( He's on his first antibiotic...I sure hope it! Oh, the other thing is that he hasn't eaten much of anything since monday...literally, almost NOTHING!! Poor guy!

We had originally planned on going to Disneyland today (Hylke's day off) but it looks like we'll have to wait until next week. Today we're just trying to get Noah healthy and rested!! While I was out running a few errands (pedialite and Rx) I decided to get a little treat for mommy and daddy....sweet tea from Chik-fil-a....yuuuuuumy. I hope to give a great update tomorrow.


Lisa said...

Poor peanut! Hope he's feeling better!!

krisnsean said...

I hope Noah's doing better! It's so hard to watch your little man not feel good :-( Christopher got his first bad cold yesterday...we were up using the suction most of the night! We miss you guys.

Julie said...


Amy said...

HOw's my little man doing today? OSrry I missed your call- then my phone died .. bought a charger so we should be good now :)