Monday, October 29, 2007

101 List

Here is a list of 101 things I'd like to accomplish in 1001 days (these are listed in no specific order of importance)

Well, here's the first 15:

1. Cook a new recipe for dinner each night of the week for one week. (Does anyone have any favorites?? Let me know!)

2. No soda for one month (not even diet)

3. Run a 5k

4. Send 2 people handmade cards each week for 2 months

5. Loose all my baby weight plus 10 lbs

6. Take a new picture of Noah each day for a month

7. Go to Hawaii again...with just HYLKE

8. Have another baby

9. Videotape Noah once a week (until his 1 year birthday)

10 . Have someone over for lunch or dinner one time a week for a month

11. Visit friends in Washington and Colorado

12. Go to disneyland

13. Buy a house

14. Go to the gym 3x a week for one month

15. Memorize one verse a week for 3 months