Wednesday, January 9, 2008


It's not everyday that a "faith story" grabs me the way that this story has. My friend Julie blogged about a couple, Nathan and Tricia, and the journey they are on. Please join me in praying for this couple. Tricia is 25 and battling Cystic Fibrosis, a life-threatening lung disease. While waiting for a double lung transplant she found out she was pregnant. Last night, in an emergency C-section, her precious daughter, Gwyneth Rose, was born at 24 weeks. 1 lb. 6 oz. Both survived the delivery, but both are in critical condition. Check out Nathan's blog, as he posts frequent updates on their conditions. If you get a chance, check out Tricia's story and read about her awesome faith in Christ, even in the midst of such difficult times. How great to be able to lift her up in prayer all around the world!

1 comment:

Julie D. said...

It is exciting to be a part of their family in Christ. Its crazy... Don't you feel like you know them now? Its amazing how commonality in Christ brings us together.